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Find a location by zooming and panning on the map. Tap or click on a location of interest for geology results.

How to zoom in and out? Pinch-in on the map to zoom out, and pinch-out to zoom in.
How to pan around the map? Slide two fingers on the map.

Whats under your house - View results.
Soils: surface materials
Glacial Geology

Depth to Bedrock (approximate)



Mesozoic Cretaceous
Mesozoic Jurassic
Paleozoic Devonian
Paleozoic Ordovician
Paleozoic Cambrian
Precambrian Proterozoic
Precambrian Archean

The original geologic data is from the Minnesota Geological Survey and the soils data is from U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. The DNR compiled and generalized the original data for reference only.