Administrative Penalty Order Plan for water appropriation activities conducted without a permit

This Department of Natural Resources Administrative Penalty Order (APO) Plan describes how DNR will implement its APO authority arising from the 2014 Legislature. The document outlines a set of actions DNR may take to ensure that water users comply with water appropriation laws. APO will be used to address appropriation of water without the required permit. A water appropriation permit is required for any use of surface water or groundwater that exceeds 10,000 gallons per day or 1 million gallons per year. The goal of APO is to reach compliance with the law so that Minnesota's water resources are protected for current and future needs.

Public comments informed the plan

Public participation and input is an important part of developing strong programs at the DNR. The DNR went through an extensive public comment period on its Draft Administrative Penalty Order Plan during the period of November 12 to December 19, 2014. The final document was improved by giving careful consideration to each of the comments received.


If you have questions regarding the APO Plan, please contact your Area Hydrologist.

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