District 3 - Fergus Falls area

Last updated: 2024-05-13

CO Hanna Wood (Fergus Falls) spent time at district training this week and at the Fergus Falls Public Safety open house held at the Fergus Falls Police Department.

CO Tricia Plautz (Henning) handled a trespass complaint with a morel mushroom picker and attended good training. Weekend efforts were focused on boating, fishing, invasive species, and ATV enforcement. Warmer weather had the lakes busy with fishermen having good success. Overall boating safety and fishing regulations compliance was good.

CO Ryan Brown (Elbow Lake) reports checking angling, boating, and ATV activity throughout the week. A large turnout of anglers was observed over the fishing opener weekend. Northern pike was the primary fish that were in most live wells. Enforcement action this week included angling without and angling license, northern pike within the slot, and numerous boating related violations. Reminder to refresh on the fishing regulations for limits and sizes of fish before going out on the water.

CO Shane Osborne (Evansville) checked fishermen, boaters, ATV?s and Lake Service Providers. Osborne responded to a complaint of someone fishing early. The investigation revealed that the subject posted a video of walleyes being kept in a livewell on an inland lake where it was closed but was actually fishing on a border lake that was open. Subject regretted posting that after being contacted by Osborne.

CO Jake Homan (Alexandria) spent the week patrolling Douglas County. With the warm weather there was many individuals angling in the station. Individuals were having moderate success for fishing opener. Homan also took part in a district training. Enforcement action was taken on various violations throughout the week.

CO Felicia Znajda (Osakis) spent the busy weekend checking endless anglers throughout her station?s lakes. Various reports of success but all enjoyed the great weather. Several violations encountered on the water with enforcement action taken. She attended district training and has been monitoring ATV activity.

CO Daniel Baumbarger (Glenwood) reports enforcement efforts for the week were concentrated on checking fishermen, ATV operators, and turkey hunters. Additional time was spent attending training and monitoring AIS law compliance.

Wheaton vacant.

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