Native plant suppliers, landscapers, and restoration consultants for Minnesota

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Native plant suppliers and landscapers lists

The DNR maintains a list of native plant suppliers and consultants for Minnesota. Companies must certify that they sell Minnesota native plants sourced from the state, do not sell invasive or noxious plants, and/or have experience as a native plant consultant or habitat restoration specialist. Consultants who do not meet this criteria are excluded from the DNR’s list.

Some nurseries on these lists sell a mix of Minnesota native, non-native, or horticultural varieties of plants. Minnesota wildlife –including pollinator species– benefit most from Minnesota native plants because they developed together. To find out what is native to your area, visit the DNR’s MN Taxa Plant lists or the MN Wildflowers website.

Native plant supplier regions
DNR Regions

Click to enlarge map.

Native plant supplier regions

Lists of native plant nurseries and native vegetation consultants are organized by regions of the state. Last updated March 2024.

Erosion Resources

Seed Source

Remember to ask about seed source location; seed from sources closest to your site will be more adapted to local conditions.

The Minnesota Crop Improvement Association (MCIA), the state's official seed certification agency as designated by the Minnesota State Legislature, certifies native grasses and forbs to assure buyers that seed labeled with certification tags meets specified standards. The program responds to market demands for native plant materials of known and verified origin. Ask for certified seed. To contact MCIA call (800) 510-6242.

Look for plant sources from your Ecological Classification (ECS) subsection. ECS subsections are defined by glacial landforming processes, bedrock formations, local climate, topography, and the distribution of plants.

Additional Resources

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