Fire management section

DNR Forestry provides wildfire protection on nearly 17 million acres of Minnesota's forest land, manages the use of prescribed fire, and actively prevents wildfires and wildfire-related damage to property.

Fire Administration Unit

Larry Himanga, Administrative Supervisor

This unit manages the fiscal, planning and analysis, fire prevention, and law enforcement functions of the Fire Management Section.

Vacant, Wildfire Prevention and Firewise Program Supervisor

The Wildfire Prevention Program handles concerns about open burning regulations, fire department training, burn permits, and permanent burn sites. It is also responsible for administering statewide wildfire prevention activities, including school fire prevention programs, the Smokey Bear program, media releases, and event planning. The program covers fire response in the northern metropolitan rural/urban interface area.

Firewise Minnesota is a community-based program that helps homeowners protect their property from wildfire damage. Information is provided through publications, videos, and public meetings. Risk-reduction activities are carried out under grants to local communities. These activities include home assessments, fuel reduction near homes, fire behavior modification through thinning and pruning, installation of dry hydrants in rural areas, improved signage, and upgraded access roads. Review additional Firewise materials.

Federal Excess Property Program

Tim Oland, Rural Fire Programs Coordinator


Through grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements, this program enables federal excess property to be loaned to local fire forces via the state. Property requests are generally filled on a first-come, first-served basis, with exceptions made for new fire departments just starting up or fire departments with unsafe equipment that needs to be replaced.

Minnesota Interagency Fire Center (MIFC)

Bill Glesener, Wildfire Suppression Supervisor

The Minnesota Interagency Fire Center (MIFC) was established to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of wildfire management by facilitating the interagency exchange of fire suppression and support resources, providing a common point for the collection and dissemination of fire intelligence, and streamlining dispatching procedures. These responsibilities include assigning state firefighting crews, tracking resource orders and their distribution, and dispatching air tankers and helicopters to needed areas.

Fire status and tracking

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