The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Parks and Trails Division has completed an amendment to the master plan for the Harmony-Preston Valley State Trail to address an extension of the trail from the City of Harmony to the Minnesota-Iowa state border, including a connection to Niagara Cave, in Fillmore County.The trail extension is proposed to be a 10-foot wide asphalt paved (bituminous) trail for approximately 6.0 miles, including a trail segment, approximately 0.5 mile long, connecting to Niagara Cave. Currently, the Harmony-Preston Valley State Trail is an 18 mile, asphalt paved (bituminous) trail that connects the communities of Harmony and Preston to the Root River State Trail in Fillmore County. The trail is a multi-use, non-motorized trail, with the predominate uses consisting of bicycling, walking/hiking, in-line skating and cross-country skiing.After the extension is developed, the Harmony-Preston Valley State Trail will consist of approximately 24 miles, from its intersection with the Root River State Trail (north of Preston) to the Minnesota-Iowa state border and Niagara Cave.This master plan amendment will guide the development, management and operation of the state trail extension to enhance outdoor recreational opportunities for the Harmony-Preston Valley State Trail. The master plan amendment will be approved by the DNR before funds can be used for trail construction. The plan amendment discusses the extension of the trail from Harmony to the Minnesota-Iowa state border and Niagara Cave.