Lake water level report
Clearwater - 86025200
Wright County
Water Level Data
Period of record: 01/01/1932 to 06/13/2024
# of readings: 765
Highest recorded: 996 ft (06/27/1983)
Lowest recorded: 989 ft (01/01/1951)
Recorded range: 7 ft
Last reading: 992.74 ft (06/13/2024)
Ordinary High Water Level (OHW) elevation: 991.3 ft
Datum: NGVD 29 (ft)
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Elevation: 1001.31 ft | Datum: NGVD 29 (ft) |
Date Set: 04/21/2015 | Location: T122R27S31 |
Description: Found 2017 for use only with prior permission from owner. SW corner of Easterly-most concrete footing supporting upper level on lake-side of private residence, 463 Beechwood Rd, South Haven. |
Elevation: 993.13 ft | Datum: NGVD 29 (ft) |
Date Set: 05/19/1954 | Location: T122R27S32 |
Description: Found 2019. Brass plate stamped "Dept. of Agriculture" at top downstream end of left abutment of Grass Lake dam. [Note: Elevation = 993.47 (NAVD 88) as per 2/11/19 GPS survey.] |
Elevation: 996.8 ft | Datum: NGVD 29 (ft) |
Date Set: 04/06/2017 | Location: T121R28S11 |
Description: Found 2024. 60d spike in NW side of 1.5' ash, 0.5' above ground, in North grass island turnaround at Bob's Bay State Public Access, across from 12635 Bayview Rd, South Haven, at NW side of lake. |
Elevation: 997.99 ft | Datum: NGVD 29 (ft) |
Date Set: 04/30/2002 | Location: T121R28S12 |
Description: Found 2008 for use only with prior permission from landowner. 60d spike in West side of 2.1' cottonwood stump, Easterly of 2 large cottonwood stumps on north side of yellow pole barn, at private property, 10475 Montgomery Ave NW, Annandale. |