Find your path. Find it in Nature!
Are you a high school or college student considering a natural resources career? The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has many different types of scientific and professional positions. The section below lists the types of positions we offer and the educational requirements for those jobs, along with tips on getting real life experience.
Conservation Officer As a licensed peace officer, conservation officers enforce laws related to fish and wildlife, state parks, trails, forests, waters and wetlands.

Ecology Ecologists study plants, animals, rare resources, scientific and natural areas and ecosystem health.

Fisheries Fisheries positions manage the habitat and fish populations in Minnesota’s lakes and rivers to sustain healthy ecosystems and provide quality angling opportunities.

Forestry Foresters protect and conserve Minnesota's forests and natural resources.

Hydrology Hydrologists make sure that Minnesota's wetlands, lakes, rivers and groundwater supplies are healthy and protected.

Parks and Trails Parks and trails specialists assist in the management and operations of state parks, trails, recreation areas, outdoor recreation and natural resources management programs.

Realty Specialists Realty specialists are important staff members who help the DNR fulfill its mission to manage state lands.

Wildlife Wildlife positions manage habitat and wildlife resources in Minnesota to sustain healthy ecosystems and provide quality hunting opportunities