Lake water level report
Rice - 73019600
Stearns County
Water Level Data
Period of record: 06/05/1973 to 10/26/2024
# of readings: 3575
Highest recorded: 1128.16 ft (06/24/1986)
Lowest recorded: 1119.59 ft (09/09/2023)
Recorded range: 8.57 ft
Last reading: 1122.1 ft (10/26/2024)
Ordinary High Water Level (OHW) elevation: 1125.1 ft
Datum: NGVD 29 (ft)
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Elevation: 1127.55 ft | Datum: NGVD 29 (ft) |
Date Set: 05/02/2014 | Location: T122R31S9 |
Description: Found 2021 for use only with prior permission from landowner. Horizontal 60d spike, 0.4' abv grd, in West side of 1.2' Diam. & 2.6' high elm stump, 25' South of sand, 15' from drainage ditch at private residence, 23048 Green Acres Dr, New Richmond. [Note: Elevation = 1128.12 (NAVD 88) as per GPS survey 1/15/15.] |
Elevation: 1134.78 ft | Datum: NGVD 29 (ft) |
Date Set: 04/21/2021 | Location: T122R31S9 |
Description: Found 2024 for use only with prior permission of landowner. Centerline on concrete of patio door on lakeside of house, concrete pad under deck, at private residence, 23048 Green Acres Dr, New Richmond. |
Elevation: 1129.5 ft | Datum: NGVD 29 (ft) |
Date Set: 04/28/1982 | Location: T122R31S18 |
Description: Bent spike in 2.0' oak at North public access, on toe of slope on south side of road to access ramp. |
Elevation: 1135.74 ft | Datum: NGVD 29 (ft) |
Date Set: 05/01/2002 | Location: T122R31S18 |
Description: Found 2013 for use only with prior permission of landowner. 3/8" x 8" spk in lakeside of leaning 1.7' basswood, 46' S-SW of dock, 0.7' above grd, at private residence, 24364 Dawnridge Ct, Eden Valley. |
Elevation: 1136.04 ft | Datum: NGVD 29 (ft) |
Date Set: 01/01/1950 | Location: T122R32S24 |
Description: Chiseled square on SE corner of Concrete Pump Pad, located about 150 feet back (due south) of access ramp. A larger, newer concrete pad is nearby. |
Elevation: 1127.01 ft | Datum: NGVD 29 (ft) |
Date Set: 04/14/1986 | Location: T122R31S19 |
Description: 3/8x8" spike in NW side of twin (.9' and .7') ash at WE, 24' right of steps at gage site on N side of SW bay (25313 Daventry Rd.) |
Elevation: 1138.68 ft | Datum: NGVD 29 (ft) |
Date Set: 06/02/1992 | Location: T122R31S19 |
Description: R.R. Spike in SW root of 21" ponderosa pine, located on east line of south public access property, about 200 feet back from the lake. |