Lake water level report
Colby - 82009400
Washington County
Water Level Data
Period of record: 01/17/1980 to 10/28/2024
# of readings: 405
Highest recorded: 894.06 ft (10/06/2005)
Lowest recorded: 889.11 ft (11/03/2003)
Recorded range: 4.95 ft
Last reading: 889.94 ft (10/28/2024)
Ordinary High Water Level (OHW) elevation: 891.8 ft
Datum: NGVD 29 (ft)
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Elevation: 898 ft | Datum: NGVD 29 (ft) |
Date Set: 01/17/1980 | Location: T28R21S22 |
Description: For use only with prior permission from landowner. Horizontal railroad spike in the South side of 2.3' elm, on North side of Lake Rd, approximately 30' North of centerline of Lake Rd and 150' West of private driveway to #9475 Lake Rd, Woodbury. |
Elevation: 894.43 ft | Datum: NGVD 29 (ft) |
Date Set: 04/16/1999 | Location: T28R21S22 |
Description: Found 2009. 60d spike, 1.1' abv grd, in a 1.4' oak, 30' North of paved path, NW of the group of oaks, 40' East of woods, Edgewater Park, 3100 Edgewater Woodbury. [Note: Elevation = 894.54 (NAVD 88), as such add 0.11' to NGVD 1929 elevations to equate to NAVD 88 datum.] |
Elevation: 897.5 ft | Datum: NGVD 29 (ft) |
Date Set: 09/17/1982 | Location: T28R21S22 |
Description: 3/8" x 8" spike in the East side of the first power pole on the South side of Lake Rd and West of the private driveway to #9475 Lake Rd, Woodbury. |
Elevation: 895.63 ft | Datum: NGVD 29 (ft) |
Date Set: 08/26/1982 | Location: T28R21S22 |
Description: Top easterly-most bolt for the trash rack on the top of the outlet structure, SW corner of the lake. |
Elevation: 890.3 ft | Datum: NGVD 29 (ft) |
Date Set: 09/17/1982 | Location: T28R21S22 |
Description: Top left end of concrete weir at outlet on south end of lake. |