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Cumberlandia monodonta (Say, 1829) | Spectaclecase |
SynonymsMargaritifera monodonta Basis for ListingThe spectaclecase mussel historically inhabited the Mississippi River in Minnesota (Thiel 1981), yet recent collections in the state have come only from the main channel of the St. Croix River (Doolittle 1988; Heath and Rasmussen 1990; Havlik 1993). This species has very specific habitat requirements, occurring in colonies among boulders and under large rocks. Therefore, while it can be locally abundant, it appears to be only sparsely distributed within the St. Croix River. Doolittle (1988) found it alive at only two sites, Heath and Rasmussen (1990) found it alive at only four sites, and Havlik (1993) reported only older live specimens from a site near Wild River State Park. Given its limited distribution and specialized habitat needs, the spectaclecase was listed as a threatened species in Minnesota in 1996. It has been a candidate species for federal listing since 2004. DescriptionThe shell of the spectaclecase is elongate and compressed, with a concave ventral margin. It can be up to 23 cm (9 in.) long. The outside of the shell is dark brown to black, and rayless. The pseudocardinal teeth are poorly developed, lateral teeth are absent, and the inside of the shell is white. The spectaclecase resembles the black sandshell (Liguma recta), but the black sandshell has well-developed pseudocardinal and lateral teeth, and the outside of the shell is often rayed. HabitatThe spectaclecase has a very narrow range of habitat preferences. It inhabits large rivers with moderate to swift currents, such as the St. Croix, and appears to often colonize microhabitats that are sheltered from the main force of the current (Butler 2002). Within these microhabitats, the spectaclecase is often found among patches of boulders that are intermixed with mud, sand, and gravel substrates (Cummings and Mayer 1992; Parmalee and Bogan 1998). Biology / Life HistoryMussels are long-lived animals. Members of many species may live for several decades and in some instances, a century or more. They spend most of their lives buried in the bottom sediments of permanent water bodies, and often live in multi-species communities called mussel beds (Sietman 2003). Conservation / ManagementCurrently, the spectaclecase mussel is only known from eight sites along an 85-mile reach of the St. Croix River in Minnesota. The viability of these remaining populations is jeopardized by the introduction of non-native zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) into the river. Zebra mussels can attach themselves in large numbers to the shells of native mussels, eventually causing death by suffocation. While the Spectaclecase has the potential to be locally abundant, the colonial nature of this species makes it especially vulnerable to zebra mussel infestation. Other threats to Spectaclecase mussels include habitat modification, non-point and point source water pollution, and siltation. If the effects of these factors cannot be mitigated, the spectaclecase mussel could be extirpated from Minnesota. A critical research need includes the identification of the primary larval fish host for this mussel species, which could aid in its conservation. Conservation Efforts in MinnesotaA 10-year statewide mussel survey initiated by the Minnesota DNR in 1999 resulted in a better understanding of spectaclecase mussel's ecology and current status in Minnesota. |