This endorsement (available only to holders of aquatic farm or private fish hatchery licenses) allows sucker eggs to be taken from public waters. Licensees will be supervised by fisheries field staff while taking eggs. In order to receive this endorsement, you must return your completed application to the Aquaculture and Fish Health Consultant by March 1 of the year you wish to be licensed in.The amount of sucker eggs that a person with a sucker egg license endorsement may take may be limited based on the number of sucker eggs taken historically by the licensee, new requests for eggs, and the condition of the spawning runs at those historical streams and rivers that have produced previous annual quotas.Fees$400 – Allows for the taking of up to 100 quarts of sucker eggs. This fee is not pro-rated, and not refundable if less than 100 quarts are taken.$6/quart – Allows for the taking of sucker eggs in excess of 100 quarts. This fee is pro-rated, and refundable for eggs not takenQuestions? Contact us! Sean Sisler, Acting Aquaculture and Fish Health Consultant