Locations of Invasive Species in Minnesota

There are a number of resources to go to when you want to know about where invasive species have been found. Keep in mind that in many cases we do not know the complete distribution of a species, so the absence of the species on a map may not truly indicate that the species is not present.

Aquatic Invasive Plants and Animals

DNR List of Minnesota Designated Infested Waters (Aquatic Invasive Plants, Animals, and Diseases)

Lists the Minnesota lakes and waters that are infested with selected Prohibited Invasive Species (including: Brazilian elodea, brittle naiad, Eurasian watermilfoil, faucet snails, flowering rush, New Zealand mud snails, round goby, ruffe, white perch, and zebra mussels), selected Regulated Invasive Species (spiny waterflea), and Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia (VHS).

USGS: Non-Indigenous Aquatic Species (Aquatic Invasive Animals)

Page on mollusks has national level maps of zebra mussels, quagga mussels, and New Zealand mudsnails.

Minnesota Early Detection of Aquatic Invasive Species

Early detection of new infestations of aquatic invasive species in Minnesota, and detection of introductions of new aquatic species into the state's waters, is a high priority and is necessary for quick responses to potentially eliminate, suppress, and contain the species. If you suspect a new infestation of an aquatic invasive plant or animal, or a an introduction of a new aquatic species, save a specimen and report it to a local natural resource office.

Invasive Plants (Aquatic and Terrestrial)

MN Taxa - The State of Minnesota Vascular Plant Checklist (Terrestrial and Aquatic Plants)

MNTaxa is the DNR's list of the vascular plant species that have been documented in Minnesota. For each species, MNTaxa provides full scientific name, whether the species is introduced (non-native) to Minnesota, and the counties and subcounties in which the species has been documented. Noxious weed status for each species is available as well.

USDA Plants Database (Terrestrial and Aquatic Plants)

The USDA Plants Database gives distributions of plant species. Choose a species, then when you get a map of the United States, click on Minnesota to see distribution by county.

Minnesota Eradicate List Noxious Weeds (Terrestrial Plants)

Minnesota Department of Agriculture maps of eradicate list noxious weeds. Click on your species of interest.

Early Detection and Distribution Mapping System (EDDMaps) (Terrestrial and Aquatic Plants)

EDDMaps has distribution maps of ~300 invasive plant species in Minnesota.

Invasives Alerts: You can sign up with EDDMaps to receive updates on new invasive species that are reported in your area. You need to create a user account. Once you've signed up, if you go to the "My EDD Maps" tab, you can click on "Create an Alert". You can select whether you would like updates on invasive plants, animals, or both. You can be alerted to new invasive species reported in the state, or you can choose to be updated when new invasives are reported in the counties you select. You can also select particular invasive species of interest and be notified if there are new reports of that particular invasive species.

University of Minnesota J. F. Bell Museum of Natural History Herbarium Records (Terrestrial and Aquatic Plants)

Herbarium has an herbarium Plant Search page, where you can type in the name of a plant and see where specimens of that plant were collected and then submitted to the Herbarium.

Invasive Terrestrial Insects

Emerald ash borer

Minnesota Department of Agriculture EAB program emerald ash borer maps including links to Minnesota quarantine map, national quarantine map, and interactive map of positive EAB finds.

Spongy moth (formerly gypsy moth)

Minnesota Department of Agriculture Gypsy moth program and maps of Minnesota gypsy moth trapping

Forest Health (native and invasive insects and pathogens)

National Forest Health Monitoring (USDA Forest Service) - click on state and year of interest.

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