1. About this project

Project Area Boundary and 5 Drill Core Locations Re-logged (click for detail)
Sampling was guided by re-logging of the core and also by the use of a hand-held X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) analyzer instrument. Files contain these new sample assays including standards and duplicates, XRF data, standards information, rare-earth element plots, and core locations. The chemistry from the XRF analyses is semi-quantitative by nature, and should NEVER be mixed with laboratory analyses and assays.
Project Leader: Barry Frey
1525 Third Avenue East
Hibbing, Minnesota 55746
tel. (218) 231-8450
[email protected]
2. Data Released July 16, 2013
The following data files have been released.- Chemistry file from lab as PDF
- Chemistry file from lab as excel spreadsheet
- Sampling information
- Blind standard information
- Chemistry file from lab with added sample information and statistics
- XRF analyses used to guide core sampling
- Rare earth element plots for each sample
- GIS Data for the 5 drill hole locations