Abstract extracted from page 1 of report 365, 2005:
ABSTRACT An orientation project to determine variability of glacial till in the Mud Creek area of northeastern Minnesota’s Vermilion Greenstone Belt demonstrates that gold grains and pathfinder elements are present in basal till, and that anomalies stand out in contrast to regional background levels. Clastic and chemical variations within the till sample set are sufficient to consider using the basal till as sampling media for gold dispersal mapping.Of the thirty-two till samples analyzed, four were highly anomalous for gold, with counts of 88 to 1,282 gold grains per 10 kg of –2mm sample, and pristine gold grain proportions up to 98%; up to 8,050 ppb gold in HMC (nonmagnetic heavy mineral concentrates); and up to 1,050 ppb gold in the –63μm silt/clay fraction of till. A suite of bedrock grab samples collected as reference mineralization returned assays up to 12,247 ppb Au, and silver concentrations up to 42,500 ppb. Analytical results for the till samples support an hypothesis that clastic dispersal trains of mineralized material exist in tills in the area.View or download report
Report 365: Results of Glacial Till Sampling In the Vermilion Greenstone Belt, Northeastern Minnesota(85 pages, 8.5 x 11 inches, 1.30 MB)
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The zip file contains GIS data, tables, figures, and appendices for report 365 (zip, 3.3 MB)For more information
Matt Carter, Mineral Potential SupervisorMN DNR - Lands and Minerals
1525 Third Avenue East
Hibbing, Minnesota 55746
tel. (218) 231-8445
[email protected]
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