These tables feature information on the value to native pollinators of plant species found in native plant communities in Minnesota. They are designed to aid management and restoration of native plant communities, highlighting the role of native plant communities in supporting Minnesota's insect pollinators.
The tables are based on plant lists for native plant community classes originally published in field guides describing the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources' (MNDNR) statewide native plant community classification. The plant lists were generated from data recorded in representative vegetation plots across Minnesota, supplemented here with information on the value of each plant for native insect pollinators. Each list includes:
- native plant community class code and name
- characteristic native plants, sorted by life-form
- frequency of each plant in the vegetation plots
- average percent cover (as a range) of each plant in the vegetation plots
- primary agent of pollination (animal, wind, or water)
- information on nest value of plant for pollinators
- blooming period (early, mid, or late growing season)
- supplemental notes on pollinator nest values, plant habitat and plant range
More information about the native plant communities and plant lists appears in descriptions and fact sheets in the MNDNR publications Field Guide to the Native Plant Communities of Minnesota: The Prairie Parkland and Tallgrass Aspen Parklands Provinces and Field Guide to the Native Plant Communities of Minnesota: The Eastern Broadleaf Forest Province, and Field Guide to the Native Plant Communities of Minnesota: The Laurentian Mixed Forest Province. Fact sheets and other information about the MNDNR's native plant community classification are available online
The Minnesota DNR has supported pollinators for many years through conservation and management of native plant communities. The pollinator resource tables will continue to be updated as more survey and research data become available on the ecological value of native plant communities for pollinators.
For additional information about the MNDNR's work with native insect pollinators, please contact:
Christina Locke, Pollinator Conservation Coordinator |
- FD: Fire-Dependent System Pollinator Resources
FDn12 FDn22 Northern Dry-Bedrock Pine (Oak) Woodland Pollinator Resources
FDn32 FDn33 FDn43 FDc12 FDc23 FDc24 FDc25 FDc34 FDs27 FDs36 FDs37 Southern Dry-Mesic Oak (Maple) Woodland Pollinator Resources
FDs38 Southern Dry-Mesic Oak-Hickory Woodland Pollinator Resources
FDw24 FDw34 FDw44 - MH: Mesic Hardwood System Pollinator Resources
MHn35 MHn44 Northern Wet-Mesic Boreal Hardwood-Conifer Forest Pollinator Resources
MHn45 MHn46 MHn47 MHc26 MHc36 Central Mesic Hardwood Forest (Eastern) Pollinator Resources
MHc37 Central Mesic Hardwood Forest (Western) Pollinator Resources
MHc38 Central Mesic Cold-Slope Hardwood-Conifer Forest Pollinator Resources
MHc47 MHs37 MHs38 MHs39 MHs49 MHw36 - FF: Floodplain Forest System Pollinator Resources
FFn57 FFn67 FFs59 FFs68 - WF: Wet Forest System Pollinator Resources
WFn53 WFn55 WFn64 WFs57 WFw54 - FP: Forested Rich Peatland System Pollinator Resources
- AP: Acid Peatland System Pollinator Resources
APn80 Apn81 APn90 APn91 - CT: Cliff/Talus System Pollinator Resources
data not currently available.
- RO: Rock Outcrop System Pollinator Resources
ROs12 - LK: Lakeshore System Pollinator Resources
data not currently available.
- RV: River Shore System Pollinator Resources
- UP: Upland Prairie System Pollinator Resources
UPn12 UPn13 UPn23 UPs13 UPs14 UPs23 - OP: Open Rich Peatland System Pollinator Resources
OPn81 OPn91 OPn92 OPn93 OPp91 OPp93 - WM: Wet Meadow/Carr System Pollinator Resources
WMn82 WMs83 WMs92 WMp73 - MR: Marsh System Pollinator Resources
MRn83 MRn93 MRp83 MRp93 - WP: Wetland Prairie System Pollinator Resources
WPn53 WPs54