Note: this page requires a specific link to access. It is intended as a spot for sharing outreach specifically intended for officials of local government units (LGU) working with land use zoning.
Monthly LGU virtual forums
What: A monthly live virtual Teams forum for local officials involved in managing natural resources, especially for those involved in administering floodplain, shoreland or river-related ordinances, to learn and chat about topics of interest to you.
Purpose: Provide a regular opportunity for local officials and Department of Natural Resources to share information and have discussion outside of more formal trainings on topics that help you manage natural resources in your community.
How do I attend?
- Forums will be hosted from 9:30 to 11 a.m. on the third Wednesday of each month, beginning Feb. 15, 2023. Use the links listed under “Upcoming Forums” to join the live virtual meetings using Microsoft Teams software.
- Request a calendar invite for the series by contacting [email protected] (or one of the DNR floodplain and shoreland staff).
2025 forums
- Jan. 15 | Topic: "Bridge and Culvert Crossings: BMPs and Case Studies." - Agenda | Presentations
- Feb. 19 | Canceled
- March 19 | Topic: Public Waters Inventory History and Update
- April 16 | Shoreland Activity Survey: Riprap Results and Discussion
- May 14
- June 18
- July 16
- Aug. 20
- Sept. 16
- Oct. 15
- Nov. 19
- Dec. 17
- 2024 forums
- Jan. 17 | Topic: Storm Water Higher Standards: BMPs in Shoreland - Agenda | Presentations
- Feb. 21 | Topic: Mooring and Marina Standards - Agenda | Handout | Presentations
- March 20 | Topic: Dealing with Floodplain and Shoreland Violations - Agenda | Presentations
- April 17 | Topic: Stream Gaging and Flood Forecasting - Agenda | Presentations
- May 15 | Topic: Natural Shorelines - Agenda | Presentation
- June 12 | Canceled
- July 17 | Topic: Urban Flooding - Agenda | Presentation
- Aug. 21 | Topic: New WCA Legislation: What’s Changed? - Agenda - Presentations
- Sept. 18 | Topic: Grants: Focus on Reducing Flood Risk - Agenda - Presentations
- Oct. 23 | Canceled
- Nov. 20 | Climate Trends Affecting Lakes and Rivers - Agenda - Presentations
- Dec. 11 | Topic: Federal Flood Risk Management Standards (FFRMS) for FEMA and HUD - Agenda - Presentations
- 2023 forums
- Feb. 15 | Topic: Retaining walls - Agenda
- March 15 | Topic: Sand Blankets and Aquatic Plant Management (APM) - Agenda
- April 19 | Topic: Culverts and Crossings - Agenda
- May 17 | Topic: Culverts and Crossings - Higher Standards and Approaches - Agenda
- June 21 | Topic: Riprap - Agenda
- July 19 | Topic: Beyond Riprap: Bioengineering - Agenda
- Aug.16 | Topic: Water Surface Use Impacts and Regulations - Agenda
- Sept. 20 | Topic: Storm Water Basics for Zoning Administrators - Agenda
- Oct. 18 | Canceled
- Nov. 15 | Topic: Flood Risk Reduction - Agenda | Presentations
- Dec.20 | Topic: Bluffs and Landslides - Agenda | Presentations
Format: Each forum will feature a presentation and discussion on a specific topic of interest. DNR staff, local staff, consultants, and other technical experts will present. DNR will also provide updates on upcoming training opportunities and state and FEMA updates of interest to local governments.
Topics: Topics will focus on shoreland, river and floodplain management, DNR's public water work permit regulations, and other topics of interest to local zoning, emergency management and engineering staff and officials (i.e., wetlands, Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS), watershed management, changing climate impacts on natural resources, etc.). Future topics will be discussed at the forums, and can be submitted to State Floodplain Manager Ceil Strauss or State Shoreland/River Programs Manager Dan Petrik, or to [email protected].
Emails or newsletters will be sent to local officials one to two weeks in advance with the agenda for each DNR LGU forum, and will be available on this page.
Other helpful resources
Some public sites with helpful information for local officials.
- DNR Floodplain Management website
- DNR Shoreland and Rivers-Related Programs website
- Water Talk Newsletter page (review archived issues and sign up for future issues)
- Minnesota Floodplain Management Quick Guide