FY2011 Grant Information

Legislation and Accomplishment Plan

Map of Funded Project Site Locations by County

Funded Applications

016 Four Corners WMA Kittleson Addition
018 Stadsvold Easement Enhancement
021 Chippewa Prairie Conservation Grazing
032 Horseshoe Lake Restoration
033 Kummer Restoration
036 Undivided Interest Acquisition
038 Phasianus WPA/WMA Complex Enhancement Project
040 Bone & Moody Lakes Low Velocity Fish Barriers
041 Pembina Beach Ridges #1
043 Center Creek WMA Carlson Addition
046 Rabbit River WPA Enhancements
047 Root River Floodplain RIM
049 Crow Wing County Jack Pine/White Pine Restoration
051 Seminary Fen Restoration
059 Schwerin Creek WMA Hagen Tract 2
061 Wildlife Habitat Enhancements in Central MN
062 Tallgrass Aspen Parkland - Protection 2010 - 001
064 Mixed Hardwood/Conifer Restoration #2
066 Nyroca Flats
067 Engebretson CREP Enhancement
068 Burr Oak Lake WPA Grassland Enhancement Project
069 CREP Easement Project
071 Rat Root River Log Jam Removal
073 Open Vistas for Grassland Birds
074 Sieg Slough
076 Prairie shrubland for openland birds
077 Water Control, #47-31P
078 Ella Lake WPA Water Control Structure
081 Southern Minnesota Wetland Initiative
082 Pelican Lake SE MWA-USFWS Wetland Restoration
095 Mesic Maple-Basswood Forest Protection Project
099 Enhancing Woodcock Habitat in the MN River Valley
100 Highwood Nature Preserve
101 Calcareous Fen Habitat Protection
104 Hastings Sand Coulee Restoration

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