Typha angustifolia and Typha latifolia: Typha - Greek from typhe meaning cattail; angustifolia & latifolia - Latin, angusti means narrow, lati means broad, folia means leaves."Cattails sway slightly in the breeze. The velvety brown spike of the cattail and the song of a red-wing blackbird supply the quintessential elements of a marsh."
~ Through the Looking Glass... A Field Guide to Aquatic Plants

- Dark green, sword-like leaves 1/4 to 1/2 inch wide
- Female flowers form a spike 4 to 8 inches long and 1/2 to 1 inch wide that turns brown and fuzzy in the fall and looks like a hotdog on a stick
- Male flowers form a spike generally 1 inch above the female flowers and will drop off the stem once pollen is released
- Pale green, sword-like leaves 1/2 to 3/4 inch wide
- Female flowers form a spike 4 to 6 inches long and 1 to 2 inches wide that turns brown and fuzzy in the fall and looks like a sausage on a stick
- Male flowers form a spike directly above the female flowers with very little or no space between the female and male spikes and will drop off the stem once pollen is released
Narrow-leaved Cattail (Typha angustifolia):- Grows to 3 feet or taller along shorelines of marshes, lakeshores, river backwaters, and road ditches
- Grows in water 1 to 4 feet deep
- Can establish growth in disturbed areas and tolerates brackish water
- Grows to 3 feet or taller along shorelines of marshes, lakeshores, river backwaters, and road ditches
- Grows in moist soil and in water up to 3 feet deep
- Does not tolerate brackish water

Cattail shoots and rhizomes are a primary food source for muskrats and are also eaten by geese and humans. Cattail moth caterpillars eat the seeds of the female flower spikes and create a network of silky threads to hold the brown fluff together forming an insulated shelter for the winter.Natural Connections
One way to demonstrate to students how environmental stressors affect aquatic plants in their local stream or river is to use Lesson 3:2 - Aquatic Plant Power. This interactive game helps students to realize how stressors can change the balance and health of an aquatic ecosystem.If you or your students are not familiar with the amazing diversity of organisms in your local water bodies, use Lesson 1:4 - Water Habitat Site Study to explore who is living in the water near you.Fun Facts
- Cattails are one of the most versatile wild edible plants available. There is some part of the plant available for harvest as food during every season of the year.
- Cattail pollen is sometimes used in fireworks.
- You can use the fluffy seeds as fire-starters.