OHV Trail Detail
St. Croix State Forest Trails
Located along the Wisconsin border, this 26-mile trail offers a scenic ride through heavily wooded forest. There's easy access to the Gandy Dancer Trail, allowing for even more riding miles. The St. Croix State Forest is classified as LIMITED. Kiosk with emergency information can be found at the parking lot at the Grace Lake-Tamarack intersection. These trails are provided by Pine County and maintained by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
Winter Use: Forest OHV open to winter ATV riding, including groomed snowmobile trails for shared snowmobile and ATV use as mapped and signed. The Matthew Lourey State Trail (MLST) within the forest is open to ATVs in winter from Pine County Road 173 in St. Croix State Forest north. ATVs are asked to stay off the groomed snowmobile trail if the temperature is above 30 degrees. There are no plowed parking lots.
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Not a resident of Minnesota? Don't forget your trail pass.
Pine County
From Hinckley, go east on Hwy. 48, then north on Co. Rd. 173 to Tamarack Forest Rd.
- Minnesota DNR Parks & Trails
- Moose Lake
- 218-460-7021