OHV Definitions

All-terrain vehicle (ATV)

ATVs have at least three, but no more than six, low-pressure or non-pneumatic tires (not filled with or containing compressed air) with a total dry weight less than 2,000 pounds and a total width from outside of tire rim to outside of tire rim that is 65 inches or less. ATVs include Class 1 and Class 2 Dry weight is normally the weight of the vehicle without fluids. Vehicles not considered ATVs includes golf carts, mini-trucks, dune buggies, go carts, or a vehicle designed and used specifically for lawn maintenance, agriculture, logging, or mining purposes.
ATV Class 1 icon
Class 1 ATVs have a total width 50 inches or less from outside of tire rim to outside of tire rim.
ATV Class 2 icon
Class 2 ATVs have a total width greater than 50 inches but not more than 65 inches from outside of tire rim to outside of tire rim.

Approved helmet

An approved helmet worn by an operator or passenger must meet federal law, which requires the helmet to display the symbol DOT. DOT is the manufacturer’s certification that the helmet conforms to the applicable federal motor vehicle safety standards. Standard bicycle helmets and hockey helmets are not legal helmets.

Off-highway motorcycle (OHM)

OHMs travel on two wheels, have a seat or saddle designed to be straddled by the operator and have handlebars for steering control. Motorcycles may be legal for highway use and still considered to be OHMs if used for off-highway operation on trails or natural terrain.
OHM icon

Off-highway vehicle (OHV)

The term Off-highway Vehicle (OHV) includes All-terrain Vehicles (ATVs), Off-highway Motorcycles (OHMs), and Off-road Vehicles (ORVs).

Off-highway vehicle use area

An area posted or designated for off-highway vehicle use.

Off-road vehicle (ORV)

ORVs are motorized recreational vehicles capable of cross-country travel on natural terrain. Vehicles not considered ORVs include snowmobiles, ATVs, OHMs, motorcycles, watercraft, or aircraft. Farm, logging, military, emergency, law enforcement, utility, trail grooming, and construction vehicles are not considered to be ORVs when used for their intended purpose.
ORV icon

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