OHV Trail Detail
Trout Valley Trail
Trail alert!
Until further notice, the Trout Valley trail west loop is closed due to a timber sale – see map for specific closure area. This portion of the trail will not be available to any form of recreation until further notice. Please stay off the closed trails and watch out for all logging trucks and equipment.
Trail closings | Trail map | What is a geoPDF map?
Not a resident of Minnesota? Don't forget your trail pass.
Winona County
From Winona, go 15 miles northwest on Hwy. 61, then 1.7 miles southeast on Co. Rd. 29.
- Minnesota DNR Parks & Trails
- Rochester
- 507-206-2847
When open
Open. West loop is closed due to a timber sale until further notice. This portion of the trail will not be available to any form of recreation. Please stay off the closed trails and watch out for all logging trucks and equipment.
Normal season: