- Page 1 contains the six provinces, counties, and descriptions.
- Page 2 contains two generalized geologic cross sections that illustrate subsurface conditions along a chosen east-west and north-south line.

Regional aquifer characteristics

Unconsolidated Aquifers (B)
Layered above bedrock nearly everywhere in the state is unconsolidated sediment deposited by glaciers, streams, and lakes. The state can be divided into three regions based on sediment composition and thickness.In the northeast, southeast, and other scattered areas the sediment is generally thin or absent. Major river valleys in these regions are an exception, as they commonly contain sufficiently thick sediment for use as aquifers.In central and east-central Minnesota the sediment is relatively sandy and aquifers are more common. In the western portion, sediment is relatively fine grained (higher amounts of clay and silt) and aquifers are less common.Bedrock Aquifers (C)
The state is divided into two bedrock aquifer regions by general bedrock type.The southeastern third of Minnesota has good bedrock aquifers comprising thick, laterally extensive sequences of sandstone, siltstone, and limestone and dolostone of sedimentary origin. Groundwater occurs in granular pore spaces, partings, joints, fractures, and dissolution features. Karst (e.g., sinkholes, solution conduits, fracture-flow, caves) is common in the extreme southeast and to a lesser extent in the east-central portion. In karst, water availability may be very good, but water quality may be impacted by land-surface activities. Conditions vary locally, but these aquifers are generally capable of yielding sufficient quantities of groundwater for most purposes.The remainder of the state has limited bedrock aquifers. The uppermost bedrock is mostly hard crystalline igneous and metamorphic rocks. Groundwater mostly occurs in smaller fractures that may not yield useable quantities of water. In southwestern Minnesota and other scattered locations, Cretaceous age sandstone aquifers are interbedded with thick shale above the hard, fractured bedrock. These sandstone aquifers are relatively thin and generally only locally useful.Additional resources
Geologic Atlas of Hennepin County, Minnesota (Part A, Plate 3, Figure 3a)Julia R. Steenberg, Minnesota Geological Survey, County Atlas Series C-45 Part A, 6 pls., GIS files, 2018.Hydrogeologic Map of Minnesota, Bedrock Hydrogeology, 1978
Roman Kanivetsky, Minnesota Geological Survey, State Map Series S-2, Sheet 2Minnesota Geological Survey's Open Source Data
- D-1 Surficial Geology Map of Minnesota
Minnesota Geological Survey – Open Data Site, Created Oct 22, 2019, Updated January 5, 2021, Downloaded January 10, 2021. - D-3 Bedrock Topography and Depth to Bedrock
Minnesota Geological Survey – Open Data Site, Created October 18, 2018, Updated October 18, 2018, Downloaded January 10, 2021. - D-5 Layered Bedrock Geology
Precambrian, Paleozoic, and Cretaceous Undifferentiated layers, Minnesota Geological Survey – Open Data Site, Updated July 23, 2021, Downloaded January 10, 2021.
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Groundwater Atlas program, 2016.Water Resources of Minnesota, A Study Guide, Bulletin 16, 1962
Division of Waters, Department of Conservation, St. Paul, MN.