Location: Blaine, Lakeside Park, Highway 65 and 109th AvenueSpecies present: Bluegill, Black Crappie, Largemouth Bass, Northern Pike, Common Carp, Bullhead
Depth: 25 feetSize: 37 acresRecent fish stockingWheelchair access: NoneMTC bus: None nearbyPark entrance fee: NoRestrooms: NoParking: Fair, short walkPicnic: YesGrills: YesPlayground: YesOther activities: Basketball 1/2 court, walking pathAgency: City of Blaine Parks and Recreation Department
(763) 784-6700Fishing pier: No
Comments: Club West Lake is located in the Club West development and is made up of several connected bodies of water. There is a city park on the north end of the lake and the shoreline is suitable for angling.

(763) 784-6700Fishing pier: No