Loring Lake

Location: Minneapolis, Loring Park, Hennepin Avenue South and 15th Street East

Species present: Bluegill, Black Crappie, Channel Catfish

Loring Lake.
Depth: 16 feet

Size: 5 acres

Recent fish stocking

Wheelchair access: Good

MTC bus: Routes 4, 6 and 25

Park entrance fee: No

Restrooms: Yes

Parking: Fair

Picnic: Yes

Grills: No

Playground: Yes

Other Activities: Bandstand, basketball, gardens, horseshoes, public art, tennis, wading pool, walking path

Agency: City of Minneapolis, Parks and Recreation Board

Fishing pier: Yes

location map for Loring
Comments: Loring Lake is surrounded by native wetland and upland prairie plantings that have brought a little bit of wilderness back to the city.  This shoreline habitat has helped protect water quality for the stocked Bluegills, Black Crappies and Channel Catfish. Using minnow as bait can help catch Black Crappies and worms will attract the abundant Bluegills and Black Bullheads.

More information about Loring Lake

2016 Lake Survey Results:

Location and DateSpeciesAbundanceAverage Length (in)Maximum Length (in)
LoringBlack Crappiehigh5.66.7
08/01/2016Channel Catfishlow17.718.9

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