Location: Minneapolis, Xerxes Avenue and 46th Avenue NorthSpecies present: Bluegill, Black Crappie, Largemouth Bass, Northern Pike, Yellow Perch
Depth: 36 feetSize: 19 acresRecent fish stockingWheelchair access: PoorMTC bus: Route 5, 19, 721 and 724Park entrance fee: NoRestrooms: NoParking: GoodPicnic: NoGrills: NoPlayground: NoOther activities:Agency: City of Minneapolis, Parks and Recreation Board
612-230-6400Fishing pier: Yes
Comments: Ryan Lake is a great place to go ice fishing for panfish and Yellow Perch that are stocked regularly into this lake. The fishing pier offers access to deeper water to try your luck at other game fish like Largemouth Bass and Northern Pike.

612-230-6400Fishing pier: Yes