Protect your public lands when camping

man laying out tent to be put up.

Review the information below to learn how to protect your favorite trails, forests, parks and prairies while camping.

Before leaving home, check all your gear to make sure it is free of seeds and soil. If you are using an RV, check your RV for vegetative material inside and out. If you are taking a tent or hammock, check the inside and outside of the tent for seeds and mud. Wash anything you find before leaving home. Bringing a pet? Check their fur to make sure it is free of seeds and mud.
Use allowable firewood bought near your campsite to prevent spreading insects like emerald ash borer and spongy moth (formerly gypsy moth). Stay on the trail and avoid muddy spots. Wandering off trail will increase your chances of picking up seeds—or mud that can carry seeds and vegetation.
Leave behind unburned firewood. Check your gear and vehicles for any vegetation, soil, or seeds. Clean off anything you find. Don’t bring invasive species home. If you find some tricky mud or seeds you cannot remove at the campsite, remove them at home and make sure to properly dispose of the seeds.

Learn about how to prevent the spread of invasive species while doing other activities on public lands.

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