- Example: Education at Blanket Flower Prairie SNA
- The Natural Resource Management (NRM) Club at North Dakota State University (NDSU) is an excellent example of the benefits of education on an SNA. Jack Norland, Associate Professor of Natural Resources at NDSU uses Blanket Flower Prairie SNA to train and educate his students. The club surveys Hill's thistle (Cirsium pumilum var. hillii), monitoring the rare plant yearly.The data and observations gathered by Jack's students and the NRM Club provide data for SNA staff to manage this Natural Area.
- Example: Research on Native Prairie SNAs and Prairie Remnants
- Ian Lane, a University of Minnesota (UMN) Ph.D. candidate with the UMN Bee Lab researches different landscapes affecting the ability of wild bees to colonize new habitats. Scientific and Natural Areas are essential to Ian's study as the SNAs provide an important refuge for wild bees that rely on prairies. Ian use SNAs as a reference to understand if these prairie bees will navigate the surrounding environment and colonize reconstructed and restored prairies created for them.Ian's study involves an inventory of bees present at surveyed SNAs. The presence of a rare bee population on an SNA can affect the way the SNA Program manages a Natural Area; that can inform managers to alter the method and timing of prescribed burns.
Who can apply to conduct research?
Permits to conduct research are required and new proposals are welcomed year round.
Researchers, including university professors and independent scientists, as well as undergraduate and graduate students, are strongly encouraged to apply. All researchers must submit a completed research application. Please note review of application may take up to 30 days or more.
Applications must include and describe:Researchers, including university professors and independent scientists, as well as undergraduate and graduate students, are strongly encouraged to apply. All researchers must submit a completed research application. Please note review of application may take up to 30 days or more.
- Experience in research area
- Reason for selecting study area or selected Natural Area
- Research hypothesis, targeted natural community and species
- Objectives, design, methods, and procedure
- Field work schedule
- Collection of any resources and methods of collection
- Impacts and effects on Natural Areas and management
- Equipment to be used
- Project documentation and presentation of results
A special use permit may be required for non-research related uses in Scientific and Natural Areas. These uses may include, but are not limited to, large groups, classes or organized activities, some management practices or entrance into sanctuaries, and drone or trail camera use.
Reporting results is required for all SNA research and special use permits.The Scientific and Natural Areas Program issues, on average, 70 research permits each year. Interested researchers and educators may request information on past research by emailing the Program at [email protected].Check to see if you may need additional permits for other DNR lands or certain types of scientific research.SNA Research Priorities
The Program gives priority to research that will not harm existing species and habitats. However, all research proposals receive careful consideration.- SNA research priorities include:
- Site-specific, baseline information
- Species presence
- Native plant community or vegetation cover
- Soils and geology
- Hydrology
- Prescribed burn effects on other management and conservation
- Native plant community restoration and reconstruction
- Control of invasive species, or understanding invasive spread
- Rare species monitoring and management
- Effects of management practices (including prescribed fire, woody plant management, invasive plant control efforts, etc.)
- Climate change implications for management and restoration
- Examples of site-specific priorities:
- Minnesota Point Pine Forest SNA: beach nourishment and erosion control.
- Kettle River SNA: garlic mustard, common buckthorn, and other invasive species viability after repeated flooding.
- McGregor Marsh SNA: wet brush management for bird populations.
- Site-specific, baseline information
Research Methodology
The Scientific and Natural Areas Program encourages researchers and educators to consider standardized methodologies in their work on Scientific and Natural Areas.- Standard Methodologies and Resources
- Minnesota Biological Survey: ecological monitoring network
- Minnesota Biological Survey: vegetation plots in Minnesota
- Minnesota wetland trends monitoring
- Minnesota grassland monitoring protocol
- Minnesota aquatic invertebrate sampling
- National bee monitoring protocol
- Minnesota Biological Survey: rare plant survey protocol
- Minnesota Biological Survey: rare animal survey protocol