Minnesota Scientific and Natural Areas Program 

Volunteer collecting seed at Lost Valley Prairie SNA.

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Scientific and Natural Area Program outreach initiative strives to engage people in Natural Areas. Engagement seeks to foster:

  • Understanding
  • Stewardship
  • Interaction

The long-term objective is support and involvement in the rare resource conservation of Natural Areas by the people of Minnesota.

Some projects and products currently available to meet that objective include:

  • A regularly updated events calendar with opportunities to get involved and volunteer with us!
  • Observations made on SNAs using iNaturalist help contribute to understanding a site's biodiversity.
  • Social media (Facebook, Flickr)
  • SNA web pages, including information on over 160 individual SNAs
  • A quarterly newsletter, "Nature Notes"
  • "Pocket" cards highlighting individual SNAs
  • Statewide SNA map
  • SNA coloring book
  • Limited edition SNA-related posters featuring rare resource conservation
  • On-site interpretive signs installed on about 33% of SNAs
  • A network of active site stewards

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