Minnesota Scientific and Natural Areas 
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Sources and Acknowledgements

Laurie Allmann served as lead writer in preparation of this online guide to SNAs using content gleaned from many sources, including but not limited to: ecological evaluations and management plans, reports prepared by Natural Heritage Program staff and scientific researchers, interviews with natural resources specialists and former landowners across the state, and direct observations based on time in the field. Minnesota Biological Survey staff and SNA regional specialists, in particular, have offered important input and feedback. Thank you to all.

The narratives—along with the accompanying bird and plant lists, maps, and photographs—are intended to convey the significant values for which these sites were designated as SNAs. They also offer context: selected glimpses of the species, ecological relationships and patterns that define these places. Nearly all of the state's Scientific and Natural Areas are open for you to visit. Whether or not you choose to visit an SNA, however, it is hoped that this guide will help to engender appreciation for the unique role of SNAs among the state's public lands.

This guide is by its very nature a work in progress, requiring periodic updating. Species change in abundance. Our understanding of sites changes with ongoing surveys and research. Common names fall in and out of favor. New sites are acquired. Plant communities shift in response to restoration and management efforts. Evolving environmental conditions re-write the story of the landscape moment by moment. It has ever been so. With that in mind, your insights and comments on the content of this guide are always welcome.

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