This image was taken on Garvin Brook which flowed through this arch in Farmer's Community Park. Sculpin (an important fish species of southeast Minnesota trout streams)were found in pot holes in the road.
Here is another photo of Garvin Brook cutting across the road in Farmer's Community Park.
Garvin Brook used to flow down the channel on the left.
This is another photo of Garvin Brook in the Farmer's Community Park.
This is a photo of the Middle Branch Whitewater River in Whitewater State Park.
This is another photo of the Middle Branch Whitewater River in Whitewater State Park. The road with a large section missing is Hwy 74.
The Quincy Bridges area of the Middle Branch Whitewater River can be seen below. Imagine the amount of water that came down this stream channel.
Below is a photo at the County Rd 25 Bridge on Rush Creek looking downstream. This area is hardly recognizable.
The amount of power a large quantity of water has can be seen below on Rush Creek near Wunderlich's walk-in access. Our recent habitat improvement project in that area faired extremely well due to the quality work completed by our crew.
Another example of the power of water near the County Rd 25 Bridge on Rush Creek. Large slabs of asphalt were lifted off of the road and into adjacent fields.
The flood did cause damage in the Trout Run Creek watershed. Here one of our stiles lays on the stream bank with no fence to straddle.
Here is an interesting photo of the abrasive properties of water on some stream banks. This was taken on Trout Run Creek below Lohman's bridge.
Ferguson Creek, a beautiful little tributary to Rush Creek, was almost completely reset. The new channel is now many feet to either side of the old channel.
Many tree roots in the Ferguson Creek valley had been scoured by the large amount of water and debris that came down the channel.
It looks as though a bulldozer had worked the channel in the photo of Ferguson Creek below.
A large debris pile on Ferguson Creek.