Weekly CO report

District 5 - Eveleth area

Last updated: 2024-07-22

CO Darrin Kittelson (International Falls #1) reports spending time on fishing and boating enforcement on Rainy Lake. He also spent time on wolf-depredation investigations. Enforcement action was taken on license issues.

CO Curtis Simonson (International Falls #2) reports spending time this past week working area lakes and rivers. Illegal-length walleyes, not displaying registration properly and no license in possession violations were all issues encountered this past week.

CO John Slatinski IV (Ray) reports the weather has again influenced outdoor activities in the area. Berries have shown up in select areas for those willing to fight flies and mosquitoes. Hopefully pickers leave some berries for the bears, so they quit hanging out around the populated areas. Complaints of injured animals were responded to. Problem-bear complaints continue to be heard, with many people practicing patience, while expressing frustration. A background investigation was also commenced.

CO Troy Fondie (Orr) reports more bear problems over the week. Beavers continue their engineering work. Local lakes were checked, and area forest roads were monitored. Administrative tasks and equipment work rounded out the week.

CO Sean Cannon (Cook) spent time this week checking anglers and monitoring boating activity. Time was also spent monitoring ATV activity and working on equipment. A youth angling event was also attended on Lake Vermilion.

CO Aaron Larson (Tower) spent time checking anglers and working on various complaints. Larson checked anglers focusing on the Eagles Nest Lakes and Lake Vermilion. Fishing was slow on Lake Vermilion, but a mixed bag was being caught. Violations were primarily related to angling licenses and several angling with extra lines violations. He investigated complaints regarding shoreline use and beaver issues.

Hibbing vacant.

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