- Regional map & counties
The North Shore trout fishing region includes only streams and their tributaries that flow into Lake Superior or the St. Louis River Estuary. Waterways depicted in blue and the yellow portion of the map represent the North Shore trout fishing region in the counties listed below.- Carlton
- Cook
- Lake
- St. Louis
- Resources & information
Regional resources
- North Shore streams: What's in them and why.
- Stream boundaries: GPS locations of posted stream boundaries and fish sanctuaries on Lake Superior tributaries.
- Techniques: Guides that explain some of the fishing opportunities and methods for Lake Superior and the lower portions of its tributary streams.
- Small craft: Launch your boat to troll near-shore for the trout and salmon the big lake offers.
- Ice fish Lake Superior: When ice allows, walk out for winter lake trout.
- Weather
- Web cams
- Duluth cams (scroll down for list)
- Silver Bay marina
- Helpful trout fishing information
- Learn how to stalk a stream or lake for brook, brown and rainbow trout
- Places to fish
* = Accessible site
French River
- Details: Cast into Lake Superior near the mouth of the river. No fishing allowed in the pool and from the river mouth upstream to the four-lane expressway.
- Fish Species: Rainbow Trout, Brown Trout, Coho Salmon, Lake Trout (October through June).
- View: Download map
Lester River
- Details: From bedrock waterfall near Lester Park Golf Course downstream to Lake Superior. No Fishing allowed immediately downstream from Superior Street Bridge to bottom of 1st falls.
- Fish Species: Rainbow Trout, Brown Trout, Salmon (April-May, Sept.-Nov.). Shore casting into Lake Superior can be productive (Oct. to June).
- View: Download map
*McQuade Small Craft Harbor
- Details: Fishing piers (accessible), boat launch; restroom facilities, parking - https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/water_access/harbors/mcquade.html.
- Fish Species: Coho Salmon and Rainbow trout (October through June).
- View: Information
*Twin Points Protected access
- Details: Boat launch, accessible crib dock and shore fishing; adjacent to Iona’s Beach Scientific and Natural Area and Gitchi-Gami State Trail. Located midway between Two Harbors and Silver Bay approximately 16 miles northeast of Two Harbors
- Fish Species: Rainbow Trout, Salmon, Lake Trout.
- View: Information
Two Harbors Break wall at Lighthouse Point
- Details: From Hwy 61, turn right on Wilson Street to First Avenue, turn left at First Avenue, turn right on next two streets to Agate Bay. Fish species: Lake Trout, Salmon, Cisco, Rainbow Trout Rice Lake Boat launch at Rice Lake Dam
- Fish Species: Crappie, Northern Pike, Perch, Walleye.
- View: Information
- Trout & salmon identification
Images by Peter Thompson. Courtesy of New York Sea Grant.

Atlantic salmon

Brook trout

Brown trout

Chinook salmon

Coho salmon

Lake trout

Pink salmon