Volunteer as a state trail monitor

bike on a state trail

What does a trail monitor do?

  • Travel the trail regularly to check for debris or other issues that may impact visitor travel or enjoyment.
  • Watch for trees, branches, rocks, gravel, or other debris on the trail. Remove any trail obstructions when easily removed (e.g., small branches).
  • Be courteous with other trail users and model safe behavior!
  • Contact the DNR when significant obstructions or debris or other hazardous situations upon the trail are discovered.
  • Pick up litter along the trail.
  • Report any trail violations to DNR or local law enforcement.

Interested in helping out? Here's what to do:

1. Contact the DNR

Contact the DNR area supervisor for the Minnesota state trail on which you would like to volunteer.
If the trail already has an organized volunteer group, we will help you connect with it.

2. Complete the required forms

You will be asked to complete a volunteer agreement form online or on paper by your DNR area supervisor. You will also be required to complete a consent for background check form.

3. Get started!

You will be notified once you have been approved as an authorized state trail volunteer.

4. Record your time

Use this form if you would like to record your volunteer time. Please submit a completed copy to your area supervisor as needed.

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