The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is fortunate to benefit from the contributions of thousands of volunteers, whose work helps preserve and enhance Minnesota's natural resources for the enjoyment of people of all ages, interests, and abilities. Safety is a top priority at the DNR and the department has put appropriate safety training and resources in place on this page to protect volunteers, who give of their time and experience without compensation.
Volunteer Safety Training
- Hazards and Unsafe Conditions
- Heat and Cold Related Illness
- Poisonous and Hazardous Plants **
- Tickborne Illness **
- Tick Prevention and Symptoms
- UV Radiation (Sun Protection)
Please work with your DNR volunteer supervisor for more information and to determine what other safety trainings you may need based on your volunteer activities. And thank you for your commitment to natural resource conservation!
** These modules have supplemental notes associated with some pages. Rollover the small speech bubble icon on those pages to learn more.
Volunteer Training Videos
DNR Volunteer Safety Training (21 minutes)
This training is filmed in a state park setting but the information applies to DNR volunteers working in all outdoor locations.
Buckthorn Blaster training video (21 minutes)
This training is for volunteers who will be using Buckthorn Blaster herbicide applicators to control buckthorn and other woody invasive plants in the course of their work on a site.
Volunteer Training Quizzes
Multiple choice questions to test your knowledge and track completion of training.