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Note: Documents are posted here in PDF format. They are available in an alternate format upon request. E-mail the DNR Information Center at [email protected] or call (651) 296-6157 or (888) MINNDNR.
Table of contents
Cover & table of contents (4 MB)Wildlife Disease Program- Managing Bovine Tuberculosis in white-tailed deer in northwestern Minnesota: a 2007 progress report. (2.9 MB)
Michelle Carstensen, David Pauly, Michael DonCarlos, and Lou Cornicelli - Surveillance for highly pathogenic avian influenza in Minnesota’s waterfowl. (861 KB)
Michelle Carstensen and Michael DonCarlos - Preliminary results from the 2007 hunter harvested moose health assessment project.
Michelle Carstensen, Erika Butler, David Pauly, Mark Lenarz, Mike Schrage, and Lou Cornicelli (469 KB)
- Estimating white-tailed deer abundance using aerial quadrat surveys. (333 KB)
Brian S. Haroldson - Estimating white-tailed deer density using trail cameras at Itasca State Park in northwestern Minnesota. (626 KB)
Emily J. Dunbar and Marrett D. Grund - Evaluating the effects an early antlerless-only deer hunting season has on antlerless harvests. (320 KB)
Marrett D. Grund - Factors affecting population indices of ring-necked pheasants. (416 KB)
Alison Munsterman, Brock McMillan, Kurt Haroldson, and John Giudice - Wild turkey research needs survey. (353 KB)
Eric Dunton - Evidence of wild turkeys in Minnesota prior to European settlement. (335 KB)
Jennifer R. Snyders, Martin D. Mitchell, and Richard O. Kimmel - Functions of food plots for wildlife management on Minnesota’s wildlife management areas. (323 KB)
Molly A. Tranel, Wes Bailey, and Kurt Haroldson - The value of farm programs for providing winter cover and food for Minnesota pheasants. (500 KB)
Kurt J. Haroldson, Angela K. Isackson, and Janelle Grochowski - Management-focused research needs of Minnesota’s wildlife managers – grassland management activities. (282 KB)
Molly Tranel
- Evidence of lead shot problems for wildlife, the environment, and human health – implications for Minnesota. (468 KB)
- Richard O. Kimmel and Molly Tranel
- Nontoxic and lead shot literature review. (776 KB)
- Molly A. Tranel and Richard O. Kimmel
- Support for, attitudes toward, and beliefs about a ban on lead shot in the farmland zone of Minnesota. (382 KB)
David C. Fulton, Susan A. Schroeder, William Penning, and Kathy DonCarlos - Examining variability associated with bullet fragmentation and deposition in white-tailed deer and domestic sheep. (328 KB)
Marrett Grund, Lou Cornicelli, Leah Carlson, Michelle Carstensen, and Erika Butler - Small game hunter lead shot study - Executive Summary. (434 KB)
Susan A. Schroeder, David C. Fulton, Bill Penning, Kathy DonCarlos - Small game hunter lead shot study - Appendices. (2.3 MB)
Susan A. Schroeder, David C. Fulton, Bill Penning, Kathy DonCarlos - Small game hunter lead shot communication study - Executive Summary. (427 KB)
Susan A. Schroeder, David C. Fulton, Bill Penning, Kathy DonCarlos - Small game hunter lead shot communication study - Appendices. (1 MB)
Susan A. Schroeder, David C. Fulton, Bill Penning, Kathy DonCarlos
- Temperature mediated survival in northeastern Minnesota moose. (236 KB)
Mark S. Lenarz, Michael E. Nelson, Michael W. Schrage, and Andrew J. Edwards - Moose population dynamics in northeastern Minnesota. (340 KB)
Mark S. Lenarz, Michael W. Schrage, Andrew J. Edwards, and Michael Nelson - An incidental take plan for Canada lynx and Minnesota’s trapping program. (459 KB)
Glenn D. DelGiudice, Michael DonCarlos, and John Erb - Ecology and population dynamics of black bears in Minnesota. (379 KB)
David L. Garshelis and Karen V. Noyce - Responses in skeletal growth and body mass of juvenile American black bears to periods of severe food shortage. (241 KB)
Karen V. Noyce, David. L. Garshelis, and John Fieberg - Mapping bear distributions: meshing hard data and expert opinion. (234 KB)
David L. Garshelis, Karen Minkowski, and Eric W. Sanderson - Fisher and marten demography and habitat use in Minnesota. (385 KB)
John Erb, Pam Coy, and Barry Sampson - Identifying plots for surveys of prairie-chickens in Minnesota. (379 KB)
Michael A. Larson and J. Wesley Bailey - Identifying plots for surveys of sharp-tailed grouse in Minnesota. (243 KB)
Michael A. Larson and J. Wesley Bailey - Translating bait preference to capture success of northern white-tailed deer. (235 KB)
Meredith A. Barrett, Sabrina Morano, Glenn D. DelGiudice, and John Fieberg - Assessing the relationship of conifer thermal cover to winter distribution, movements, and survival of female white-tailed deer in north central Minnesota. (343 KB)
Glenn D. DelGiudice and Barry A. Sampson - Understanding variations in autumn migration of northern white-tailed deer by long-term study. (231 KB)
John Fieberg, David W. Kuehn, and Glenn D. DelGiudice - Management-focused research needs of Minnesota’s wildlife managers – forest Management activities. (479 KB)
J. Wesley Bailey - Climate Change: Preliminary assessment for the Section of Wildlife of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. (668 KB)
Wildlife Climate Change Working Group
- Minnesota’s ring-necked duck breeding pair survey. (1.4 MB)
David P. Rave , Michael C. Zicus, John R. Fieberg, John H. Giudice, and Robert G. Wright - Movements, survival, and refuge use by locally produced post-fledging ring-necked ducks in Minnesota. (535 KB)
Charlotte Roy, David Rave, Wayne Brininger, and Michelle McDowell - Influence of fish, agriculture, and biome on algal abundance in shallow lakes. (231 KB)
Matt Gorman, Mark A. Hanson, Kyle D. Zimmer, Brian R. Herwig, Melissa L. Konsti, and Jerry A. Younk - Assessing characteristics of Kenogama lake, a shallow waterfowl lake in northern Minnesota: Preliminary findings. (508 KB)
Mark A. Hanson, Andrew Folkers, Neil Rude, Paul Novak, and Donald Cloutman - Thresholds and stability of alternative regimes in shallow prairie-parkland lakes of North America. (238 KB)
Kyle D. Zimmer , Mark A. Hanson, Brian R. Herwig, and Melissa L. Konsti - Factors influencing fish distributions and community structure in shallow lakes within prairie and prairie-parkland regions of Minnesota, USA. (243 KB)
Brian R. Herwig, Kyle D. Zimmer, Mark A. Hanson, Melissa L. Konsti, Jerry A. Younk, Robert W. Wright, Sean R. Vaughn, and Mitchell H. Haustein - Management-focused research needs of Minnesota’s wildlife managers – wetland management activities. (282 KB)
David Rave
- Variance of stratified survey estimators with probability of detection adjustments. (454 KB)
John Fieberg and John H. Giudice - Exploring migration data using interval-censored time-to-event models. (231 KB)
John Fieberg and Glenn D. DelGiudice
Note: Documents are posted here in PDF format. They are available in an alternate format upon request. E-mail the DNR Information Center at [email protected] or call (651) 296-6157 or (888) MINNDNR.