2024-25 construction
The DNR is replacing the aging dam in Lake Bronson State Park. Construction activity is now underway at the site.
Although the public is not in immediate danger, this is considered a high-hazard dam. It is over 85 years old and in poor condition, and plans to replace it have been in progress for over ten years. Issues include an undersized spillway, seepage through the embankment and deterioration of the existing structure.
DNR will keep as much of the park open for outdoor recreation as possible during the project, while also prioritizing public health and safety and applying sound natural resource management strategies.

Click to enlarge map of projected construction detours
Lake is currently drawn down
The Minnesota DNR began to draw down the water level of Lake Bronson in September 2024. The contractor for this project is Ames Construction based out of Burnsville, MN. Ames Construction now oversees the area where the dam is located and has lowered the lakebed to allow their crew to work on this project.
Access to the lake is prohibited during the drawdown and throughout the life of the project. The lakebed closure is in place to ensure public safety and protect sensitive resources in the project area. Visible ice on the lake is dangerous and unstable.
Lake Bronson State Park will remain open during the construction. Certain areas within the park, either adjacent to or within the project area will be closed to the public. However, the park will have many trails, facilities and other recreational amenities open for public use throughout this time.
For more information, contact Lake Bronson State Park, [email protected], or 218-754-2200.
Public health and safety
Despite the dam's current poor condition, the public is not in any immediate danger.
- The DNR has continually monitored the dam's condition and its ability to withstand flooding. Throughout the years, staff have performed routine dam inspections and tests to ensure mechanical devices are in operational order. Those duties are currently being done by Ames Construction.
- Now that construction has begun, some closures have been put in place to protect the safety of park visitors and staff, the community and construction workers.
- Visitors will not be able to observe dam construction activities, due to road closures and safety precautions.
Dam ownership and project funding and dates
- The State of Minnesota owns the dam. The DNR manages and operates the dam, and is responsible for its design and reconstruction.
- Thanks to the combined efforts of local communities, the DNR, the state legislature and the Office of the Governor, a bonding appropriation of $20 million was moved forward in 2020 to help fund this project. Additional bond appropriations in 2023 are providing at least another $4 million.
- Construction began in fall 2024. The project is estimated to be completed in 18-24 months.
Temporary impact on the community
- Construction will lead to some limited and temporary road closures. We anticipate these closures will mainly impact the park and park visitors, rather than the surrounding community.
- The increase in project workforce is expected to counterbalance any economic losses to the community caused by temporary park closures.
- A segment of Highway 28 will be closed with a signed re-route for traffic. See the projected constructed detours map located above.
Temporary lake closure and impact on fishing
- The lake will be closed to the public during construction. Both public water accesses have been closed and all the fishing piers have been removed. There is no fishing in the park at this time.
- After the dam is replaced, the DNR will aggressively stock and monitor fishery recovery.
Access to park programs, camping and amenities during construction
- The majority of the park will remain open throughout construction, closed areas and trails will be signed
- Two Rivers Campground
- Dump station
- The park will still offer programs
- All recreation on and access to Lake Bronson
- Lakeside and Lakeside Extension Campgrounds
- The bike trail to the dam